Study on the Construction Scheme of Mega Interconnected Knowledge Systems in Deep Space Exploration

LIU Jizhong1,2, GE Ping1,2, KANG Yan1,2, ZHANG Tianxin1,2, JIANG Yichen2, MA Ke2, SHAO Yanli2

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1) : 79-89.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1) : 79-89. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2024.20230169
Research Papers

Study on the Construction Scheme of Mega Interconnected Knowledge Systems in Deep Space Exploration

  • LIU Jizhong1,2, GE Ping1,2, KANG Yan1,2, ZHANG Tianxin1,2, JIANG Yichen2, MA Ke2, SHAO Yanli2
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China’s deep space exploration has gradually developed from technology and science-driven to the stage dominated by science, leading to technological advances. Under our demand for high-quality development in deep space exploration, the Mega Interconnected Knowledge System in Deep Space Exploration (MIKSE) was innovatively proposed with its concept and scheme conceiving. Centering around the scientific goals, deep space exploration engineering, science, technology, and big data in the application were collected, techniques including artificial intelligence and cloud computing were utilized to perform organic organization, information association, and knowledge mining on relevant elements, a large model with genealogical associations and networks of connections was built, and an intelligent big knowledge platform was established. With the help of this platform, historical data and its current capabilities can be fully utilized to support generative knowledge and information for the future planning and development of deep space exploration and promote the paradigm shift of data-driven deep space research.


mega interconnected knowledge systems / scientific leading / large model in deep space exploration / data driving

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LIU Jizhong, GE Ping, KANG Yan, ZHANG Tianxin, JIANG Yichen, MA Ke, SHAO Yanli. Study on the Construction Scheme of Mega Interconnected Knowledge Systems in Deep Space Exploration. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2024, 11(1): 79‒89


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