Progress in Lunar Space Weather Detection and Research

LUO Bingxian1,2,3,4, ZHANG Xianguo1,2,3,5, SUN Tianran1,3, BAI Xianyong4,6, WEI Fei2,3,5, LIN Ruilin1,2,3, LI Lei1,3, ZHANG Shenyi2,3,5, KONG Linggao2,3,5, WANG Xinyue2,3,5, XIE Lianghai1,3, PENG Songwu2,3,5, TANG Binbin1,3, ZHANG Yingjie1,3, XU Qiuyu1,3, LENG Shuang2,3,5, FENG Pengyuan2,3,5, SU Yang7, GAN Weiqun7, FENG Li7, TIAN Hui1,3,8, CHEN Linjie1,3, YAN Yihua1,3, SONG Yongliang4,6, LIU Siqing1,2,3,4, DENG Yuanyong4,6

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (2) : 159-168.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (2) : 159-168. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2024.20220086
Research Papers

Progress in Lunar Space Weather Detection and Research

  • LUO Bingxian1,2,3,4, ZHANG Xianguo1,2,3,5, SUN Tianran1,3, BAI Xianyong4,6, WEI Fei2,3,5, LIN Ruilin1,2,3, LI Lei1,3, ZHANG Shenyi2,3,5, KONG Linggao2,3,5, WANG Xinyue2,3,5, XIE Lianghai1,3, PENG Songwu2,3,5, TANG Binbin1,3, ZHANG Yingjie1,3, XU Qiuyu1,3, LENG Shuang2,3,5, FENG Pengyuan2,3,5, SU Yang7, GAN Weiqun7, FENG Li7, TIAN Hui1,3,8, CHEN Linjie1,3, YAN Yihua1,3, SONG Yongliang4,6, LIU Siqing1,2,3,4, DENG Yuanyong4,6
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The stable celestial geological structure,the suitable distance from the Earth to the Moon,and no dense atmosphere and global magnetic field make the Moon a natural and excellent laboratory for the monitoring and research of the Sun-Earth-Moon space weather. This paper reviews the progress of lunar space weather detection and research,and surveys the key scientific problems of lunar space weather and the problems of its prediction application,proposes the concept of the Moon-based space weather monitoring station,set up the specific scientific objectives of the monitoring station,and finally introduces its three major systems and the relationships among them,including the monitoring system,the scientific research system,and the modeling and forecasting system. The establishment of a Moon-based space weather monitoring station is of great scientific significance for studying the mechanism of solar eruptions,the coupling of the Sun to the Earth and the Moon,and the local variations of the Moon’s environment. It will also promote the development of lunar space weather modeling and prediction technologies and improve the capability in providing space environmental safeguard services for future lunar explorations.


lunar space weather / lunar space weather detection and research / moon-based space weather monitoring station / lunar space weather prediction

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LUO Bingxian, ZHANG Xianguo, SUN Tianran, BAI Xianyong, WEI Fei, LIN Ruilin, LI Lei, ZHANG Shenyi, KONG Linggao, WANG Xinyue, XIE Lianghai, PENG Songwu, TANG Binbin, ZHANG Yingjie, XU Qiuyu, LENG Shuang, FENG Pengyuan, SU Yang, GAN Weiqun, FENG Li, TIAN Hui, CHEN Linjie, YAN Yihua, SONG Yongliang, LIU Siqing, DENG Yuanyong. Progress in Lunar Space Weather Detection and Research. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2024, 11(2): 159‒168


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