Stiffness Analysis and Error Compensation of Lunar Sampling Manipulator

ZHANG Yundong1, LIU Chuankai2,3, HUANG Kaiqi1, SU Jianhua4, CHEN Gang5, ZHANG Kuan2,3

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2) : 169-177.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2) : 169-177. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2023.20220096
Research Papers
Research Papers

Stiffness Analysis and Error Compensation of Lunar Sampling Manipulator

  • ZHANG Yundong1, LIU Chuankai2,3, HUANG Kaiqi1, SU Jianhua4, CHEN Gang5, ZHANG Kuan2,3
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In the lunar surface sampling mission, the lunar sampling manipulator, due to the flexibility of its boom and joints, has low stiffness, which leads to the reduction of manipulator control accuracy. To address the above problem, in this paper, an end-operation error compensation method was proposed based on the estimation of flexible deformation of the manipulator, and an overall stiffness model of the multi-degree-of-freedom manipulator was constructed by analyzing joint flexibility, arm rod flexibility and self-weight and other factors on joint flexibility of the end position of the manipulator. The error bounds for the end position estimation of the manipulator under different configuration conditions were given. On this basis, a one-time compensation control method for the end operation of the manipulator was designed, which can reduce the maximum control deviation of the end of the robotic arm from 35 mmto less than 1 mm, greatly improving the absolute positioning accuracy of the lunar sampling manipulator simulation system.


lunar sampling manipulator / stiffness analysis of EOF / error compensation / finite element analysis

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ZHANG Yundong, LIU Chuankai, HUANG Kaiqi, SU Jianhua, CHEN Gang, ZHANG Kuan. Stiffness Analysis and Error Compensation of Lunar Sampling Manipulator. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2023, 10(2): 169‒177


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