Foot-Soil Slipping Performance of Footed Robot in Soft Geology on Lunar Surface

ZHONG Shiying1,2, YUE Qianqian1,2, LING Daosheng3, ZHOU Hao4, HAN Runqi4, CONG Bori5

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2) : 190-198.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2023, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2) : 190-198. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2023.20220036
Research Papers
Research Papers

Foot-Soil Slipping Performance of Footed Robot in Soft Geology on Lunar Surface

  • ZHONG Shiying1,2, YUE Qianqian1,2, LING Daosheng3, ZHOU Hao4, HAN Runqi4, CONG Bori5
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Mobile robot is the backbone of the way of the lunar exploration,its foot end force is an important parameter for gait control. In order to study the effect of foot pattern design on foot-soil interaction in loose lunar soil on the anti-slip performance of the foot end, the anti-slip performance of three foot end pattern configurations was studied:triangle,arc and rectangle. The anti-slip performances of different pattern configurations under the same vertical load were studied through numerical simulation,and the anti-slip parameters of each pattern configuration were obtained through the equivalence principle. The results show that before the foot end pattern is completely pierced into the lunar soil,the circular arc pattern has the smallest settlement amount under the same vertical load,followed by the rectangular pattern with the triangular pattern having the largest settlement amount pattern under the same vertical load. At the same time, the slippage and stress peak of the circular arc pattern are also minimal. Under the anti-slip model of foot-soil contact surface,the equivalent shear strength of the rectangular pattern is the greatest when the same amount of subsidence is the largest,the equivalent friction angle is 33.44°,and the cohesion force 2.58 kPa,the circular arc pattern is the smallest,and its equivalent friction angle is 30.16° and the cohesion force 2.48 kPa.


foot robot / foot-soil slipping performance / angle of friction / cohesion / finite element analysis

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ZHONG Shiying, YUE Qianqian, LING Daosheng, ZHOU Hao, HAN Runqi, CONG Bori. Foot-Soil Slipping Performance of Footed Robot in Soft Geology on Lunar Surface. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2023, 10(2): 190‒198


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