Site Selection and Potential Scientific Targets Analysis of Mare Smythii for Constructing Long-Term Lunar Research Station

MENG Zhiguo1,2, CHANG Wenqing1, SHEN Chao3, PING Jinsong4,5, HUANG Shaopeng6, CAI Zhanchuan2, ZHANG Yuanzhi4,5

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (5) : 521-531.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (5) : 521-531. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20220028

Site Selection and Potential Scientific Targets Analysis of Mare Smythii for Constructing Long-Term Lunar Research Station

  • MENG Zhiguo1,2, CHANG Wenqing1, SHEN Chao3, PING Jinsong4,5, HUANG Shaopeng6, CAI Zhanchuan2, ZHANG Yuanzhi4,5
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The Moon is the nearest neighbor of the Earth and the first planet for human deep space exploration. Thus, the construction of long-term lunar research station will be great significant to further explore the deep space in 21st century. Mare Smythii is located at the junction of the lunar farside and nearside, and it is rich in the geological diversities and scientific values. In this paper, combined with the SLDEM 2015 elevation data, Clementine UV/VIS data, Kaguya MI data, and Chang'E-2 microwave radiometer data, the geological significance, topography, material composition, and microwave thermal emission features of Mare Smythii are thoroughly analyzed. Then, the region centered at (88oE, 1oN) is proposed for constructing the long-term lunar research station with high priority from the perspectives of scientific research, resources, and energy. Finally, three routes are outlined according to the surface topography, and 14 candidate exploring sites are planned aiming to scientific studies and resource utilizations. This study is of essential significance for the construction of the long term lunar research stations in future.


long-term lunar research station / Mare Smythii / geological importance / topography / brightness temperature

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MENG Zhiguo, CHANG Wenqing, SHEN Chao, PING Jinsong, HUANG Shaopeng, CAI Zhanchuan, ZHANG Yuanzhi. Site Selection and Potential Scientific Targets Analysis of Mare Smythii for Constructing Long-Term Lunar Research Station. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2022, 9(5): 521‒531


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