A High-reliability and Scalable Lunar Surface Power Distribution Network Frame Vision Based on Micro-nuclear Reactor

XIA Yan1,2, HUANG Wen2, FENG Yu2, JIN Zhangtao2, OU Xuedong1, XU Jinghao1,2, SHUAI Zhikang2

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1) : 3-13.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2022, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1) : 3-13. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20210138
Special Issue:Technology and Application of Deep Space Exploration
Special Issue:Technology and Application of Deep Space Exploration

A High-reliability and Scalable Lunar Surface Power Distribution Network Frame Vision Based on Micro-nuclear Reactor

  • XIA Yan1,2, HUANG Wen2, FENG Yu2, JIN Zhangtao2, OU Xuedong1, XU Jinghao1,2, SHUAI Zhikang2
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The lunar surface distribution grid is the long-term stable power source and skeleton support for the lunar scientific research station. The miniature nuclear reactor is light in weight, compact in structure, and extensible in scale. It can provide a long-lasting energy source for the power generation devices of the lunar scientific research station. To meet the needs of lunar scientific research tasks and the construction of large-scale lunar bases in the future, the lunar power distribution grid must have high reliability and scalability. Therefore, a high-reliability and scalable power distribution grid, integrated with micro nuclear reactors, for the lunar surface, as well as its relevant reliability guarantee technologies was proposed in this paper. The feasibility and advantages of the power distribution grid frame proposed were discussed from the perspectives of the topology, partition interconnection and operation control methods of the distribution grid. This vision is aimed to provide inspiration for manned moon landing and extraterrestrial base construction plans.


miniature nuclear reactor / stirling engine / lunar surface power distribution grid / power supply guarantee technology

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XIA Yan, HUANG Wen, FENG Yu, JIN Zhangtao, OU Xuedong, XU Jinghao, SHUAI Zhikang. A High-reliability and Scalable Lunar Surface Power Distribution Network Frame Vision Based on Micro-nuclear Reactor. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2022, 9(1): 3‒13 https://doi.org/10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2022.20210138


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