A Review of Lunar Space Environment Study

WANG Mingyuan1, WANG Mei2, PING Jinsong1, HAN Songtao2

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2021, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (5) : 486-494.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2021, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (5) : 486-494. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20200013

A Review of Lunar Space Environment Study

  • WANG Mingyuan1, WANG Mei2, PING Jinsong1, HAN Songtao2
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After more than fifty years lunar exploration, our understanding of the lunar space environment is still superficial. The lunar dusty exosphere research was based on ARTEMIS mission and the lunar atmosphere and dust environment detector which were developed by NASA. Based on the radio experiments of several lunar missions, the existence of lunar ionosphere is determined. The current status and observation of lunar exosphere and ionosphere are introduced in this paper. With the help of the low frequency radio astronomical payloads carried by Chang'E-4 relay satellite and the lander, more of lunar space environment will be uncovered.


lunar space environment / low frequency radio astronomy / Chang'E-4

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WANG Mingyuan, WANG Mei, PING Jinsong, HAN Songtao. A Review of Lunar Space Environment Study. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2021, 8(5): 486‒494 https://doi.org/10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20200013


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