Advanced Power Source Technology of Deep Space Exploration

NIU Changlei1, LUO Zhifu1, LEI Yingjun2, WANG Wenqiang3, ZHENG Jianjie4, QIAO Xuerong5, LUO Hongyi1, HU Wenjun6, ZHONG Wuye1

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 24-34.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 24-34. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2020.20200002
Guest Editor:Professor LUO Zhifu,China Institute of Atomic Energy
Guest Editor:Professor LUO Zhifu,China Institute of Atomic Energy

Advanced Power Source Technology of Deep Space Exploration

  • NIU Changlei1, LUO Zhifu1, LEI Yingjun2, WANG Wenqiang3, ZHENG Jianjie4, QIAO Xuerong5, LUO Hongyi1, HU Wenjun6, ZHONG Wuye1
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Advanced power supply technology is the prerequisite for deep space exploration mission. Based on the requirements of power supply system of China’s follow-up deep space exploration missions, such as the explorations of polar region of Lunar, small celestial bodies, Mars, Jupiter, and so on, the advanced power source technologies for deep space exploration are reviewed, including?the chemical battery, solar cell, radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) and space nuclear reactor power. According?to the?requirements?of power supply system of deep space exploration,?the remarkable feature, brief history, application limits and development proposals of Lithium ions battery, solar cell, Pu-238 RTG and space nuclear reactor power are presented, and?focusing on the analysis?of the?key technology, practical application, application prospects of Pu-238 RTG and space nuclear reactor power, providing a reference for long-term development of ?advanced power source technology of deep space exploration.


deep space exploration / advanced energy / solar power system / Lithium ions battery / Plutonium-238 RTG / space nuclear reactor power

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NIU Changlei, LUO Zhifu, LEI Yingjun, WANG Wenqiang, ZHENG Jianjie, QIAO Xuerong, LUO Hongyi, HU Wenjun, ZHONG Wuye. Advanced Power Source Technology of Deep Space Exploration. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2020, 7(1): 24‒34


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