Approximate Analytical Solutions of Motion near the Collinear Libration-Points in Restricted Three-Body Problem

ZHOU Jing, HU Jun, ZHANG Bin

Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 93-101.

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Journal of Deep Space Exploration ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 93-101. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2020.20190408001

Approximate Analytical Solutions of Motion near the Collinear Libration-Points in Restricted Three-Body Problem

  • ZHOU Jing, HU Jun, ZHANG Bin
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With deep space exploration becoming a research focus in aerospace, corresponding fundamental research on three-body problem is of increasingly significant, especially the motion analysis near the collinear libration-points, which play a leading role in deep space mission design The approximate analytical solutions of motion near the collinear libration-points in circular restricted three-body problem has been obtained, however, there are relatively fewer studies about the solutions in elliptic restricted three-body problem, although it is more realistic and general than circular restricted three-body problem. Based on it, the approximate analytical solutions of motion near the collinear libration-points in elliptic restricted three-body problem are deduced by referencing the method used in circular restricted three-body problem, the positions of libration-points are obtained according to its characteristic, then the nonlinear dynamic model is linearized at the collinear libration-points, and the approximate analytical solutions are finally obtained using the linear system theory and compared with the solutions of the circular restricted three-body problem. Simulation results indicated the method is valid and the deduced analytical solutions have higher precision than that of the circular restricted three-body problem.


circular restricted three-body problem / elliptic restricted three-body problem / nonlinear system / collinear libration-points / analytical solutions

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ZHOU Jing, HU Jun, ZHANG Bin. Approximate Analytical Solutions of Motion near the Collinear Libration-Points in Restricted Three-Body Problem. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2020, 7(1): 93‒101


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