Retrospective and prospective review of the generalized nonlinear strength theory for geomaterials
Shunchuan Wu, Jiaxin Wang, Shihuai Zhang, Shigui Huang, Lei Xia, Qianping Zhao
Retrospective and prospective review of the generalized nonlinear strength theory for geomaterials
Strength theory is the basic theory for calculating and designing the strength of engineering materials in civil, hydraulic, mechanical, aerospace, military, and other engineering disciplines. Therefore, the comprehensive study of the generalized nonlinear strength theory (GNST) of geomaterials has significance for the construction of engineering rock strength. This paper reviews the GNST of geomaterials to demonstrate the research status of nonlinear strength characteristics of geomaterials under complex stress paths. First, it systematically summarizes the research progress of GNST (classical and empirical criteria). Then, the latest research the authors conducted over the past five years on the GNST is introduced, and a generalized three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear Hoek–Brown (HB) criterion (NGHB criterion) is proposed for practical applications. This criterion can be degenerated into the existing three modified HB criteria and has a better prediction performance. The strength prediction errors for six rocks and two in-situ rock masses are 2.0724%–3.5091% and 1.0144%–3.2321%, respectively. Finally, the development and outlook of the GNST are expounded, and a new topic about the building strength index of rock mass and determining the strength of in-situ engineering rock mass is proposed. The summarization of the GNST provides theoretical traceability and optimization for constructing in-situ engineering rock mass strength.
rock mechanics / rock mass strength / strength theory / failure criterion / Hoek–Brown criterion / intermediate principal stress / deviatoric plane / smoothness and convexity
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