Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation

Xiaopeng Chi, Haoyu Liu, Jun Xia, Hang Chen, Xiangtao Yu, Wei Weng, Shuiping Zhong

International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (10) : 2312-2325.

International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials ›› 2024, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (10) : 2312-2325. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-024-2861-4
Research Article

Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation

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The precipitation of Fe3O4 particles and the accompanied formation of Fe3O4-wrapped copper structure are the main obstacles to copper recovery from the molten slag during the pyrometallurgical smelting of copper concentrates. Herein, the commercial powdery pyrite or anthracite is replaced with pyrite–anthracite pellets as the reductants to remove a large amount of Fe3O4 particles in the molten slag, resulting in a deep fracture in the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure and the full exposure of the copper matte cores. When 1wt% composite pellet is used as the reductant, the copper matte droplets are enlarged greatly from 25 µm to a size observable by the naked eye, with the copper content being enriched remarkably from 1.2wt% to 4.5wt%. Density functional theory calculation results imply that the formation of the Fe3O4-wrapped copper structure is due to the preferential adhesion of Cu2S on the Fe3O4 particles. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), and Raman spectroscopy results all reveal that the high-efficiency conversion of Fe3O4 to FeO can decrease the volume fraction of the solid phase and promote the depolymerization of silicate network structure. As a consequence, the settling of copper matte droplets is enhanced due to the lowered slag viscosity, contributing to the high efficiency of copper–slag separation for copper recovery. The results provide new insights into the enhanced in-situ enrichment of copper from molten slag.


pyrometallurgical smelting process / slag cleaning / reductants / copper matte

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Xiaopeng Chi, Haoyu Liu, Jun Xia, Hang Chen, Xiangtao Yu, Wei Weng, Shuiping Zhong. Breaking the Fe3O4-wrapped copper microstructure to enhance copper–slag separation. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 2024, 31(10): 2312‒2325


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