Research on enumeration problem of pattern-avoiding permutations

Tongyuan ZHAO, Xiaoqing LI, Feng ZHAO

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Front. Math. China ›› 2024, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4) : 191-213. DOI: 10.3868/s140-DDD-024-0012-x

Research on enumeration problem of pattern-avoiding permutations

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The problem of relevant enumeration with pattern-avoiding permutations is a significant topic in enumerative combinatorics and has wide applications in physics, chemistry, and computer science. This paper summarizes the relevant conclusions of the enumeration of pattern-avoiding permutations on the n-element symmetric group Sn, alternating permutations, Dumont permutations, Ballot permutations, and inversion sequences. It also introduces relevant research results on avoiding vincular patterns and barred patterns in Sn.


Pattern avoidance / combinatorial enumeration / combinatorial bijection

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Tongyuan ZHAO, Xiaoqing LI, Feng ZHAO. Research on enumeration problem of pattern-avoiding permutations. Front. Math. China, 2024, 19(4): 191‒213


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