Precipitation is a key factor in the water cycle. At the same time, precipitation is the focus of study in meteorology and climatology, ecological environmental assessment, non-point source pollution and so on. Understanding the temporal-spatial variation and the corresponding factors of precipitation has become the object of hydrology and environmentology. Based on the annual precipitation data, we analyzed the spatial distribution of precipitation in Sichuan Province in China as well as the temporal-spatial variation and the corresponding influence factors involved. The results show that the amount of precipitation was abundant, but the spatial distribution was not consistent with it and the amount of precipitation gradually declined from the south-east to the north-west in Sichuan Province, China. Moreover, the spatial distribution was different throughout the years. The result of correlation analysis indicated that elevation, temperature and air pressure were three key factors affecting the amount and distribution of precipitation, and the correlation coefficients were -0.56, 0.38 and 0.45 respectively. Notably, the relationship between the slope of topography and precipitation were significantly negative and the average correlation coefficient was -0.28.
LIU Ruimin, SHEN Zhenyao
. Temporal-spatial variation and the influence
factors of precipitation in Sichuan Province, China[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 0
: 236
DOI: 10.1007/s11515-008-0031-0
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