Development and utilization of new sequenced characterized amplified region markers specific for E genome of Thinopyrum
Received date: 17 Oct 2012
Accepted date: 19 Jun 2013
Published date: 01 Aug 2013
Species containing E genome of Thinopyrum offered potential to increase the genetic variability and desirable characters for wheat improvement. However, E genome specific marker was rare. The objective of the present report was to develop and identify sequenced characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers that can be used in detecting E chromosome in wheat background for breeding purpose. Total 280 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers were amplified for seeking of E genome specific fragments by using the genomic DNA of Thinopyrum elongatum and wheat controls as templates. As a result, six RAPD fragments specific for E genome were found and cloned, and then were converted to SCAR markers. The usability of these markers was validated using a number of E-genome-containing species and wheat as controls. These markers were subsequently located on E chromosomes using specific PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). SCAR markers developed in this research could be used in molecular marker assisted selection of wheat breeding with Thinopyrum chromatin introgressions.
Key words: Thinopyrum; Trititrigia; E genome; SCAR markers; FISH
Wenping GONG , Ling RAN , Guangrong LI , Jianping ZHOU , Cheng LIU , Zujun YANG . Development and utilization of new sequenced characterized amplified region markers specific for E genome of Thinopyrum[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2013 , 8(4) : 451 -459 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-013-1268-9
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