Received date: 18 Aug 2011
Accepted date: 22 Sep 2011
Published date: 01 Feb 2012
The development of spinal cord is a precisely and sequentially regulated process, which is controlled by signaling pathways and transcription factors in each stage. Overwhelming data have shown the essential roles of BMP signaling in different stages of this developmental process. It is also clear that the proper functions of BMP signaling require its cross-talk with several other signaling pathways including Notch, Wnt and retinoic acid (RA) pathways. Here, we highlight the recent advancement in understanding the roles of BMP signaling during neurogenesis, neural tube patterning, axon development and glial differentiation in the spinal cord, and emphasize its integrations with other pathways during these processes.
Key words: BMP; spinal cord; neurogenesis; patterning; glia
Zhihui XIE , Nengyin SHENG , Naihe JING . BMP signaling pathway and spinal cord development[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2012 , 7(1) : 24 -29 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-011-1178-7
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