Patterning the embryo in higher plants: Emerging pathways and challenges
Received date: 18 Nov 2010
Accepted date: 07 Dec 2010
Published date: 01 Feb 2011
Embryogenesis, which establishes the basic body plan for the post-embryonic organs after stereotyped cell divisions, initiates the first step of the plant life cycle. Studies in the last two decades indicate that embryogenesis is a precisely controlled process, and any defect would result in abnormalities. Here we discuss the recent progresses, with a focus on the cellular pathways governing early embryogenesis in the model species BoldItalic.
Peng ZHAO , Dong-Qiao SHI , Wei-Cai YANG . Patterning the embryo in higher plants: Emerging pathways and challenges[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2011 , 06(01) : 3 -11 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-011-1119-5
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