Effect of testosterone replacement on feeding behaviors after acute and chronic stress in gonadectomized male NMRI mice
Sara Salehi Shemiran, Gholam Hossein Meftahi, Hedayat Sahraei, Negin Ghobadi
Effect of testosterone replacement on feeding behaviors after acute and chronic stress in gonadectomized male NMRI mice
BACKGROUND: We study the role of gonadectomy on the response to unavoidablestress and the role of testosterone replacement on gonadectomy inthe male Naval Medical Research Institute mice (30±5 g) werestudied. For this purpose, the hormonal and metabolic changes wereinvestigated.
METHODS: In the experimental group, the gonads were surgically removed, anda cannula was inserted into the left lateral ventricle. For acuteand chronic stress induction, animals were placed in the communicationbox for 30 min for one day and four consecutive days, respectively.The animals received different doses of intraventricular (ICV) testosterone(0.01, 0.05, 0.1 µg/mouse) 5 minutes or intraperitoneal(IP) testosterone (0.05, 0.01, 0.1 mg/kg) 30 minutes before the stressinduction.
RESULTS: The results showed that acute and chronic stress increases plasmacortisol concentration. IP testosterone injections of testosteronedid not decrease cortisol concentrations in response to acute stress,whereas ICV injections did reduce cortisol concentrations. The stressreduced anorexia time, while the administration of testosterone increasedanorexia time. In addition, acute stress reduced food intake in thegonadectomized mice. IP testosterone at 0.01 and 0.05 mg/kg increasedfood intake. Additionally, stress in gonadectomized mice reduced waterintake, while the IP injection of testosterone in chronic stress furtherreduced water intake. Also, stress reduced the animals’ brain/adrenalvolumes, while the IP and ICV injection of testosterone at 0.01 mg/kginhibited this effect.
CONCLUSION: The results showedthat the IP (0.05, 0.01, 0.1 mg/kg) and ICV (0.01, 0.05, 0.1 µg/mouse)administration of testosterone in the gonadectomized mice can modulatehormonal and metabolic changes induced by stress.
anorexia / cortisol / food intake / gonadectomy / water intake
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