Chinese pine tree ring width chronology and its relation to climate conditions in the Qianshan Mountains

CHEN Zhenju1, SUN Yu1, HE Xingyuan1, CHEN Wei1, SHAO Xuemei2, SHAO Xuemei3, ZHANG Huayu4, WANG Zhongyu4, LIU Xiaoyu4

Front. For. China ›› 2008, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4) : 381-392.

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Front. For. China ›› 2008, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4) : 381-392. DOI: 10.1007/s11461-008-0078-8

Chinese pine tree ring width chronology and its relation to climate conditions in the Qianshan Mountains

  • CHEN Zhenju1, SUN Yu1, HE Xingyuan1, CHEN Wei1, SHAO Xuemei2, SHAO Xuemei3, ZHANG Huayu4, WANG Zhongyu4, LIU Xiaoyu4
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Taking Chinese pine in Qianshan Mountains as a sample, the tree ring width chronology including Standard, Residual, and Arstan chronologies was established. The results show that the tree ring width of Chinese pine is highly correlated with the temperatures from May to July and from September to November. Statistically significant positive correlations were observed between tree ring width and the extreme minimum temperatures in July and mean minimum temperatures in September. The chronology was significantly or very significantly correlated with extreme minimum temperatures in December and the following January, with mean minimum temperatures in January, with annual precipitation and with precipitation in April, May and the following December. The Chinese pine responded strongly to the monthly/yearly water vapor pressure and relative humidity. Annual and largely monthly evaporation in April–July had a negative effect on tree growth, and was particularly striking for evaporation in April–July. The narrow tree rings recorded by the chronology demonstrated the 30 occasions of extreme drought since 1800. The growth of Chinese pine in the Qianshan mountains were also affected by climate changes on a hemispheric and global scale. There were 11-, 23- and 50-year-common periodicities between the chronology and solar activity and 10-, 20- and 45-year-common periodicities between the chronology and geomagnetic activity.

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CHEN Zhenju, SUN Yu, HE Xingyuan, CHEN Wei, SHAO Xuemei, SHAO Xuemei, ZHANG Huayu, WANG Zhongyu, LIU Xiaoyu. Chinese pine tree ring width chronology and its relation to climate conditions in the Qianshan Mountains. Front. For. China, 2008, 3(4): 381‒392


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