Call for Papers: FEM “COMMENTS” Column
The papers in the feature column COMMENTS of
Frontiers of Engineering Management are more forward-looking, speculative, and with a higher and broader vision than Research Articles and Reviews. The column is intended to provide aspects including but not limited to the following: (1) Views on the overall role of engineering management; (2) Advice of instructive significance for the resolution of grand challenging problems; (3) New ideas of great importance on promoting interdisciplinary research; and (4) Unique thoughts on some major issues of common concern to the science and engineering community and society. Manuscripts in this column should have a striking and attractive title, straightforwardly start the topic without a long introduction, make a specific viewpoint or a meaningful comment, and end with a thought-provoking conclusion. The writing should reduce the use of abstruse technical terms/formulas and be concise and accessible for readers to quickly read and understand.
Manuscript Requirements: Not exceed 3000 words, with less than five figures or tables and less than 30 references; do not need all the sections of introduction, material and methods, results and discussions, or conclusions as research papers but may include several parts with short subtitles.
Submission Guidelines
To submit a manuscript, please visit Under “Manuscript Type”, please select “Comments”. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the established policies and procedures of the journal. Papers will be selected for publication following the outcome of the peer-review process.
Pubdate: 2021-09-06