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Call for papers — Transition Management of Energy Systems towards Carbon Neutrality
Topic: Transition Management of Energy Systems towards Carbon Neutrality

Guest Editors
Peng ZHOU, China University of Petroleum (East China), China
Yi-Ming WEI, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Andreas LÖSCHEL, University of Münster, Germany
Bin SU, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Hui WANG, China University of Petroleum (East China), China

Frontiers of Engineering Management is an international research journal sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Engineering. It is published quarterly in English in both print and online versions. Frontiers of Engineering Management provides a high-quality international platform for academic researchers, industry professionals and other constituent communities in the broad field of engineering management to impart and share the latest research results and knowledge in the form of research articles, reviews, comments and super engineering.

Aims and Scope
Aligning with the 1.5°C target of the Pairs Agreement, China has pledged to peak its CO2 emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Profound and urgent changes are needed to decarbonize social and economic systems. As 67% of anthropogenic emissions related to energy, a radical transition of energy system is central to the fulfillment of China’s “3060” target.
An energy system represents the production, conversion, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy. Energy systems have long been studied to promote universal access to affordable and reliable energy, and an increasing number of studies have been devoted to energy systems transition from the technology perspective. Despite the fruitful literature, more efforts are clearly required to better understand how to manage the transition of energy systems. 
This special issue aims to explore the mechanism of energy systems transition, identify critical determinants driving transition, reveal retrospective and prospective paths of transition, quantify costs and benefits, examine relevant governance and policy issues, and advice targeted measures to advance a sustainable transition of energy systems towards carbon neutrality.

Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to
Energy transition paths towards carbon neutrality
Energy transition in major sectors
Energy efficiency management
Energy technology management
Energy infrastructure management
Energy system operation and maintenance management
Energy governance
Socioeconomic impacts of energy transition
Behavioral aspects of energy consumption
International comparisons of energy transition and carbon neutrality paths

Submission Guidelines
To submit a manuscript, please visit Under “Manuscript Type”, please select “Transition Management of Energy Systems towards Carbon Neutrality”. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the established policies and procedures of the journal. Papers will be selected for publication following the outcome of the peer review process.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: January 31, 2022
Final decision notification: May 31, 2022
Expected publication date: August, 2022 (to be determined by the journal editor)

Pubdate: 2021-08-20    Viewed: 740