Detection of schedule delay risk of empirical construction projects
Detection of schedule delay risk of empirical construction projects
In Ethiopian construction projects, schedule delay risk is a predominant issue because it is not properly addressed. Although several studies have been focused on the various effects of risk in construction projects, limited efforts have been made to investigate the typical and the overall schedule delay risk. In this study, our aim is to detect the typical and overall schedule delay risk throughout the construction project lifecycle, which consists of the pre-construction, construction, and post-construction stages, and compare the stages with each other. Common criteria, sub-criteria, and attributes were developed for all alternatives for the purpose of making a risk decision. The methodology that was followed integrated the multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process comprehensive evaluation (FAHPCE) and the relative important index (RII). Data were collected from 77 participants, who were selected through purposive sampling from different contracting organizations in Ethiopian construction projects by means of questionnaires that were distributed to experienced experts. The findings showed that there is a typical delay risk either in the type or in the level of the different construction activities. Consequently, the most influenced alternative is the construction stage because of the high-risk responsibility, resource, and contract condition related criteria. The post-construction stage was the second most influenced stage because of the high-risk responsibility-related criteria. The pre-constructed stage was the least influenced stage that consist high-risk criteria of responsibility, resource, and contract condition related. These differences provided noteworthy information about risk mitigation in construction projects by identifying the exact risk level on specific activity to make appropriate decision.
fuzzy analytic hierarchy process comprehensive evaluation / construction project / detection of delay risk / relative important index
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