Engineering management for high-end equipment intelligent manufacturing

Shanlin YANG, Jianmin WANG, Leyuan SHI, Yuejin TAN, Fei QIAO

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Front. Eng ›› 2018, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4) : 420-450. DOI: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018050

Engineering management for high-end equipment intelligent manufacturing

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The high-end equipment intelligent manufacturing (HEIM) industry is of strategic importance to national and economic security. Engineering management (EM) for HEIM is a complex, innovative process that integrates natural science, technology, management science, social science, and the human spirit. New-generation information technology (IT), including the internet, cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, have made a remarkable influence on HEIM and its engineering management activities, such as product system construction, product life cycle management, manufacturing resources organization, manufacturing model innovation, and reconstruction of the enterprise ecosystem. Engineering management for HEIM is a key topic at the frontier of international academic research. This study systematically reviews the current research on issues pertaining to engineering management for HEIM under the new-generation IT environment. These issues include cross-lifecycle management, network collaboration management, task integration management of innovative development, operation optimization of smart factories, quality and reliability management, information management, and intelligent decision making. The challenges presented by these issues and potential research opportunities are also summarized and discussed.


high-end equipment / intelligent manufacturing / engineering management / information technology

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Shanlin YANG, Jianmin WANG, Leyuan SHI, Yuejin TAN, Fei QIAO. Engineering management for high-end equipment intelligent manufacturing. Front. Eng, 2018, 5(4): 420‒450


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We appreciate the support and advice given by Professors Kewei Yang, Bo Guo, Li Zhang, Min Liu, Hao Zhang, Jian Wang, Xinbao Liu, and Minglun Ren. We are grateful for all the help we received from other researchers and students in our group, such as Drs. Lijie Wen, Jie Song, Xi Zhang, Xiaoyun Xu, Bingfeng Ge, Ping Jiang, Xin Lu, Yajie Dou, Xiang Zhao, Yunyan Xing, Xiang Jia, Jianfeng Lu, Yiru Dai, Yumin Ma, Qiang Zhang, Jun Pei, Xiaonong Lu, Zhanglin Peng, Jianguo XU, Ge Huang, Xilin Zhang, Yuren Wang, Mengsi Cai.


2018 The Author(s) 2018. Published by Higher Education Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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