High-end equipment customer requirement analysis based on opinion extraction
Yuejin TAN, Yuren WANG, Xin LU, Mengsi CAI, Bingfeng GE
High-end equipment customer requirement analysis based on opinion extraction
Acquisition and analysis of customer requirements are the essential steps in high-end equipment design. Considering that Internet and big data technologies are integrated into the manufacturing industry, we propose a method of analyzing customer requirements based on open-source data. First, online data are collected with focused crawlers and preprocessed to filter noise and duplicate. Then, user opinions are extracted based on the defined template, and users’ sentiments are analyzed. Based on the relationship between user sentiments and attribute parameters, the parameter range that satisfies customers can be obtained. The proposed method is evaluated by using an example of new energy vehicle to verify its availability and feasibility.
requirement analysis / opinion extraction / high-end equipment / new energy vehicle
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