Development and application of an off-site maintenance system in the petrochemical industry
Ruisheng YONG, Yanbing YE, Hanbin LUO, Lieyun DING
Front. Eng ›› 2017, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2) : 111-126.
Development and application of an off-site maintenance system in the petrochemical industry
On-site maintenance (ONSM) is critical to ensuring the safety of equipment in the petrochemical industry. However, many accidents occur during ONSM processes because of unstable equipment, complicated work environment, and human error. To reduce congestion and exposure to hazards during on-site operations and thereby reduce the probability of accidents, off-site maintenance (OFSM) is proposed based on Energy Release Theory (ERT). The information requirements for OFSM are analyzed. A support system for OFSM, which makes use of visualization, information management, and localization capabilities, is developed. A case study utilizing OFSM and its support system for an oil-loading facility of a petrochemical company is conducted. The application results indicated that implementation of OFSM system can significantly reduce the operation risks and can improve the operation efficiency.
on-site maintenance / petrochemical industry / safety / off-site maintenance system
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