Traffic services for vehicles: the process from receiving raw probe data to space-time diagrams and the resulting traffic service
Markus AUER, Hubert REHBORN, Sven-Eric MOLZAHN, Micha KOLLER
Traffic services for vehicles: the process from receiving raw probe data to space-time diagrams and the resulting traffic service
Today, large quantities of vehicle data (FCD: floating car data) are widely used by traffic service providers to create and broadcast traffic states in road networks. As a first processing step, all raw position data received from Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have to be map matched in a digital road map. The technical aspects of such a matching process for GPS data are described in this report. After the matching process, space-time-diagrams are created of the probe data showing traffic situation details over space and time. Various examples illustrate how traffic service quality depends on the number of matched GPS raw data; it will be stated that when 2% of connected vehicles in the total traffic flow are sending their GPS data in shorter time intervals, a high quality and precise reconstruction of the current traffic phases is achieved. Traffic reconstruction is followed by a translation into traffic information messages, which can be sent and used in vehicle navigation systems for driver information and dynamic route guidance.
floating car data / map matching / three phase traffic theory / traffic reconstruction / traffic service quality / navigation systems
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