An Internet-of-Things Initiative for One Belt One Road (OBOR)
Li Da Xu
An Internet-of-Things Initiative for One Belt One Road (OBOR)
A wide range of industrial Internet of Things (IoT) applications have been developed and deployed in recent years. IoT has provided a promising opportunity to build powerful industrial systems and applications by leveraging the growing ubiquity of RFID, wireless, mobile and sensor devices. In an effort to understand the development of IoT in industries, this paper reviews the current research of IoT, key enabling technologies, major IoT applications in industries, and identifies research trends and challenges. As IoT has received support from governments and businesses across the globe, IoT will also greatly impact One Belt One Road (OBOR) in foreseeable future.
Internet of Things (IoT) / RFID / Wireless Sensor Networks / Near Field Communications / ICT
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