Improving Internationally Core Competences Based on the Capabilities of Precise and Accurate Project Management
Zhen-you Li, Ji-shan He, Meng-jun Wang
Improving Internationally Core Competences Based on the Capabilities of Precise and Accurate Project Management
Modern international project management has entered the phase of precise and accurate project management after the global financial crisis broke out at the beginning of the 21st century. However, its development has faced new challenges since there has been lack of explicitly unanimous definition for the capability dimensions of precise and accurate project management, as well as the models and their process control parameters. The required core capabilities based on the precise and accurate project management for various rings are involved in the project life cycle, namely, the required internationally core competences and their components for the phases of project strategic planning and decision making in the early project phase, as well as the value engineering, and the project supervision and controls during the execution phase. Through studying the effects of the internationally core competences based on precise and accurate project management capabilities for the success and excellence of projects and configuring such models, the goal is to help the main contractors continuously obtain project success and excellence, thus improve its internationally core competences with continuous project success and excellence.
precise and accurate project management / project strategic planning / decision-making / project supervision and controls / project execution / value engineering
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