Applying an Integrated Systems Perspective to the Management of Engineering Projects

Simon P. Philbin

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Front. Eng ›› 2015, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1) : 19-30. DOI: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015004

Applying an Integrated Systems Perspective to the Management of Engineering Projects

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Engineering projects can be subject to significant complexity, which may result in a number of issues and challenges that need to be addressed throughout the project life-cycle. Traditionally projects have been viewed according to the so called “iron triangle,” i. e., achievement of project milestones according to schedule, cost and quality targets. While these targets are fundamentally important to the performance of engineering projects, it is possible to view projects on a systemic level in order to allow an adequate focus on all the underpinning factors that have the potential to influence the performance of projects. Consequently, a management framework has been developed that is based on an integrated systems perspective of engineering projects, where the performance of projects is a function of six contributing sub-systems that are: process, technology, resources, knowledge, culture and impact.

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integrated systems perspective / engineering projects / management

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Simon P. Philbin. Applying an Integrated Systems Perspective to the Management of Engineering Projects. Front. Eng, 2015, 2(1): 19‒30


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