Adaptive pandemic management strategies for construction sites: An agent-based modeling approach
Chengqian LI, Qi FANG, Ke CHEN, Zhikang BAO, Zehao JIANG, Wenli LIU
Adaptive pandemic management strategies for construction sites: An agent-based modeling approach
In the face of sudden pandemics, it becomes crucial for project managers to quickly adapt and make informed decisions that anticipate the consequences of their actions. This highlights the need for proactive management strategies to enhance epidemic response efforts. However, current research mainly emphasizes the negative impacts of pandemics, often neglecting the development of adaptable management approaches for construction sites. This study aims to fill this research void by developing strategies tailored to managing pandemics at construction sites. Using agent-based modeling, the study simulates the movement patterns of workers and the consequent spread of an epidemic under different risk scenarios and management tactics. The results indicate that measures such as wearing masks, managing group activities, and enforcing entry controls can significantly reduce epidemic spread on construction sites, with entry controls showing the greatest effectiveness.
epidemic transmission / agent-based modeling / safety management / management strategy
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