Allocating redundancy, maintenance and spare parts for minimizing system cost under decentralized repairs
Tongdan JIN, Shubin SI, Wenjin ZHU
Allocating redundancy, maintenance and spare parts for minimizing system cost under decentralized repairs
Reliability-redundancy allocation, preventive maintenance, and spare parts logistics are crucial for achieving system reliability and availability goal. Existing methods often concentrate on specific scopes of the system’s lifetime. This paper proposes a joint redundancy-maintenance-inventory allocation model that simultaneously optimizes redundant component, replacement time, spares stocking, and repair capacity. Under reliability and availability criteria, our objective is to minimize the system’s lifetime cost, including design, manufacturing, and operational phases. We develop a unified system availability model based on ten performance drivers, serving as the foundation for the establishment of the lifetime-based resource allocation model. Superimposed renewal theory is employed to estimate spare part demand from proactive and corrective replacements. A bisection algorithm, enhanced by neighborhood exploration, solves the complex mixed-integer, nonlinear optimization problem. The numerical experiments show that component redundancy is preferred and necessary if one of the following situations occurs: extremely high system availability is required, the fleet size is small, the system reliability is immature, the inventory holding is too costly, or the hands-on replacement time is prolonged. The joint allocation model also reveals that there exists no monotonic relation between spares stocking level and system availability.
system availability / installed base / decentralized repair / redundancy-maintenance-inventory model / superimposed renewal process
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