Cloud-integrated cyber–physical systems: Reliability, performance and power consumption with shared-servers and parallelized services
Shuyi MA, Jin LI, Jianping LI, Min XIE
Front. Eng ›› 0
Cloud-integrated cyber–physical systems: Reliability, performance and power consumption with shared-servers and parallelized services
Cloud systems, which are typical cyber–physical systems, consist of physical nodes and virtualized facilities that collaborate to fulfill cloud computing services. The advent of virtualization technology engenders resource sharing and service parallelism in cloud services, introducing novel challenges to system modeling. In this study, we construct a systematic model that concurrently evaluates system reliability, performance, and power consumption (PC) while delineating cloud service disruptions arising from random hardware and software failures. Initially, we depict system states using a birth–death process that accommodates resource sharing and service parallelism. Given the relatively concise service duration and regular failure distributions, we employ transient-state transition probabilities instead of steady-state analysis. The birth–death process effectively links system reliability, performance, and PC through service durations governed by service assignment decisions and failure/repair distributions. Subsequently, we devise a multistage sample path randomization method to estimate system metrics and other factors related to service availability. The findings highlight that the trade-off between performance and PC, under the umbrella of reliability guarantees, hinges on the equilibrium between service duration and unit power. To further delve into the subject, we formulate optimization models for service assignment and juxtapose optimal decisions under varying availability scenarios, workload levels, and service attributes. Numerical results indicate that service parallelism can improve performance and conserve energy when the workload remains moderate. However, as the workload escalates, the repercussions of resource sharing-induced performance loss become more pronounced due to resource capacity limitations. In cases where system availability is constrained, resource sharing should be approached cautiously to ensure adherence to deadline requirements. This study theoretically analyzes the interrelations among system reliability, performance, and PC, offering valuable insights for making informed decisions in cloud service assignments.
cloud service modeling / transient downtime analysis / resource sharing / service parallelism
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