Pricing and production strategies in remanufacturing from the perspectives of supply chain: Review and future directions
Kai LI, Yan LI, Nenggui ZHAO
Front. Eng ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1) : 1-15.
Pricing and production strategies in remanufacturing from the perspectives of supply chain: Review and future directions
Remanufacturing is widely recognized as beneficial to the environment and a circular economy. However, remanufacturing is more complex than traditional manufacturing due to the effects of government policy, uncertainty of consumer preferences, competition and cooperation among firms, and so on. These factors motivate academics to optimize remanufacturing outcomes, especially for product pricing and production. This study reviews the published literature on pricing and production strategies in remanufacturing from four perspectives of supply chain, namely, government policy, consumer characteristics, relationships among firms, and supply chain structures. Review results can benefit scholars/practitioners in the future by highlighting the challenges and opportunities in remanufacturing strategies.
remanufacturing / reverse and closed-loop supply chain / circular economy
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