Two-stage stochastic programming with robust constraints for the logistics network post-disruption response strategy optimization
Xiaotian ZHUANG, Yuli ZHANG, Lin HAN, Jing JIANG, Linyuan HU, Shengnan WU
Two-stage stochastic programming with robust constraints for the logistics network post-disruption response strategy optimization
Logistics networks (LNs) are essential for the transportation and distribution of goods or services from suppliers to consumers. However, LNs with complex structures are more vulnerable to disruptions due to natural disasters and accidents. To address the LN post-disruption response strategy optimization problem, this study proposes a novel two-stage stochastic programming model with robust delivery time constraints. The proposed model jointly optimizes the new-line-opening and rerouting decisions in the face of uncertain transport demands and transportation times. To enhance the robustness of the response strategy obtained, the conditional value at risk (CVaR) criterion is utilized to reduce the operational risk, and robust constraints based on the scenario-based uncertainty sets are proposed to guarantee the delivery time requirement. An equivalent tractable mixed-integer linear programming reformulation is further derived by linearizing the CVaR objective function and dualizing the infinite number of robust constraints into finite ones. A case study based on the practical operations of the JD LN is conducted to validate the practical significance of the proposed model. A comparison with the rerouting strategy and two benchmark models demonstrates the superiority of the proposed model in terms of operational cost, delivery time, and loading rate.
logistics network design / post-disruption response strategy / two-stage stochastic programming / conditional value at risk / robust constraint
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