Developing a TRL-oriented roadmap for the adoption of biocomposite materials in the construction industry
Tudor-Cristian PETRESCU, Johannes T. VOORDIJK, Petru MIHAI
Developing a TRL-oriented roadmap for the adoption of biocomposite materials in the construction industry
The construction industry is a major contributor to environmental pollution. The effect of the construction industry on the environment may be mitigated using eco-friendly construction materials, such as biocomposites. Once developed, biocomposites may offer a viable alternative to the current materials in use. However, biocomposites are lagging in terms of adoption and eventual use in the construction industry. This article provides insights into the steps for biocomposites to become a product that is ready to use by the construction industry in a structural role. The development and the adoption of such a material is tackled with the use of two concepts, i.e., technology readiness level and roadmapping, and explored in a case study on the “liquid wood”. Furthermore, interviews in the construction industry are carried out to identify the industry’s take on biocomposites. A customized roadmap, which underlines a mostly nontechnical perspective concerning this material, has emerged. Additionally, the adoption and diffusion issues that the “liquid wood” may encounter are outlined and complemented with further recommendations.
biocomposite / technology readiness level / roadmap / interview / “liquid wood”
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