Investigating the challenges related to combining BIM and Last Planner System on construction sites
Front. Eng ›› 2021, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (2) : 172-182.
Investigating the challenges related to combining BIM and Last Planner System on construction sites
The construction industry is facing a gradual but important transformation toward more productivity and collaboration. In this framework, two major approaches are often cited in the literature as having the potential to improve the practices in the industry: Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Lean Construction. Several scientific studies have demonstrated the synergy of these two approaches and very recent research has reported positive results from the use of software applications as support for their implementation on construction sites. However, the stakes of such integration have been very little studied. This article presents the results of a research project conducted within a general contractor firm that decided to implement BIM and Last Planner System (LPS) on its construction sites. The research uses a four-stage action research approach, including the characterization of the research issue, the establishment of an action plan, its implementation and its evaluation. Compared to recent related studies, the research is less enthusiastic. While it highlights the need for new tools to improve production planning and control, it also points to a strong resistance to change by practitioners at the site. They emphasize the necessity for adequate pre-service training and the need for new resources that can work full-time on the ongoing training of site teams. In addition, some limitations of the tool lead workers to believe that it can quickly become a factor that slows down their daily work rather than improving it. Based on the advice of professionals, the paper formulates some recommendations to the industry, the researchers and the software developers.
Building Information Modeling / Last Planner System / construction site / lean construction
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