Framework based on building information modeling, mixed reality, and a cloud platform to support information flow in facility management

Berardo NATICCHIA, Alessandra CORNELI, Alessandro CARBONARI

Front. Eng ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 131-141.

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Front. Eng ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 131-141. DOI: 10.1007/s42524-019-0071-y

Framework based on building information modeling, mixed reality, and a cloud platform to support information flow in facility management

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The quality of information flow management has a remarkable effect on the entire life cycle of buildings. Manual retrieval of technical specifications and features of building components and their performance assessment leads to increased cost and time and efficiency reduction, especially during the facility management (FM) stage. The introduction of building information modeling (BIM) in the construction industry can provide a valuable means of improving the organization and exchange of information. BIM tools integrate multiple levels of information within a single digital model of a building. Nevertheless, the support given by BIM to FM is far from being fully effective. Technicians can benefit from real-time communication with the data repository whenever the need for gathering contextual information and/or updating any data in the digital model arises. The framework proposed in this study aims to develop a system that supports on-site operations. Information requirements have been determined from the analyses of procedures that are usually implemented in the building life cycle. These studies set the standard for the development of a digital model of a building, which will be shared among various actors in charge of FM and accessed via a cloud platform. Moreover, mixed reality is proposed to support specific information that is relevant to geometric features and procedures to be followed by operators. This article presents three use-cases supported by the proposed framework. In addition, this research article describes the first proof of concept regarding real-time support for FM.


information flow management / BIM / mixed reality / common data environment / facility management

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Berardo NATICCHIA, Alessandra CORNELI, Alessandro CARBONARI. Framework based on building information modeling, mixed reality, and a cloud platform to support information flow in facility management. Front. Eng, 2020, 7(1): 131‒141


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