Operation management of green ports and shipping networks: overview and research opportunities
Lu ZHEN, Dan ZHUGE, Liwen MURONG, Ran YAN, Shuaian WANG
Front. Eng ›› 2019, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2) : 152-162.
Operation management of green ports and shipping networks: overview and research opportunities
Global ports and maritime shipping networks are important carriers for global supply chain networks, but they are also the main sources of energy consumption and pollution. To limit ship emissions in ports and offshore areas, the International Maritime Organization, as well as some countries, has issued a series of policies. This study highlights the importance and necessity of investigating emergent research problems in the operation management of green ports and maritime shipping networks. Considerable literature related to this topic is reviewed and discussed. Moreover, a comprehensive research framework on green port and shipping operation management is proposed for future research opportunities. The framework mainly comprises four research areas related to emission control and grading policies. This review may provide new ideas to the academia and industry practitioners for improving the performance and efficiency of the operation management of green ports and maritime shipping networks.
maritime shipping / port operations / green port / green shipping / emission control areas
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