Effect of fly ash and slag on concrete: Properties and emission analyses
Vivian W. Y. TAM, Khoa N. LE, Ana Catarina Jorge EVANGELISTA, Anthony BUTERA, Cuong N. N. TRAN, Ashraf TEARA
Front. Eng ›› 2019, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3) : 395-405.
Effect of fly ash and slag on concrete: Properties and emission analyses
Recycled concrete is a material with the potential to create a sustainable construction industry. However, recycled concrete presents heterogeneous properties, thereby reducing its applications for some structural purposes and enhancing its application in pavements. This paper provides an insight into a solution in the deformation control for recycled concrete by adding supplementary cementitious materials fly ash and blast furnace slag. Results of this study indicated that the 50% fly ash replacement of Portland cement increased the rupture modulus of the recycled concrete. Conversely, a mixture with over 50% cement replacement by either fly ash or slag or a combination of both exhibited detrimental effect on the compressive strength, rupture modulus, and drying shrinkage. The combined analysis of environmental impacts and mechanical properties of recycled concrete demonstrated the possibility of optimizing the selection of recycled concrete because the best scenario in this study was obtained with the concrete mixture M8 (50% of fly ash+ 100% recycled coarse aggregate).
recycled aggregate / recycled concrete / fly ash and slag
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