Localization technique research of a pipeline robot based on the magnetic-dipole model

  • 1.Department of Electrical Engineer, Harbin Institute of Technology; 2.Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology

Published date: 05 Mar 2008


The magnetic field distribution of an emission antenna is studied in this paper. When the slenderness ratio of the emission antenna is high, the emission antenna can be simplified as a magnetic dipole for practical application. The numerical results of the magnetic dipole magnetic field show that the magnetic magnitude distribution has a hump-shape, whose direction is perpendicular with the antenna axis direction. A localization method based on the hump-shape signal detection is presented. The experimental result shows that the precision can reach a value of ±5 cm. The method can be used to localize a pipeline robot working in a metal pipe.

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LI Junyuan, CHEN Hongjun, ZHANG Xiaohua, LI Shengfeng . Localization technique research of a pipeline robot based on the magnetic-dipole model[J]. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2008 , 3(1) : 55 -60 . DOI: 10.1007/s11460-008-0002-x


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