The magnetic field distribution of an emission antenna is studied in this paper. When the slenderness ratio of the emission antenna is high, the emission antenna can be simplified as a magnetic dipole for practical application. The numerical results of the magnetic dipole magnetic field show that the magnetic magnitude distribution has a hump-shape, whose direction is perpendicular with the antenna axis direction. A localization method based on the hump-shape signal detection is presented. The experimental result shows that the precision can reach a value of ±5 cm. The method can be used to localize a pipeline robot working in a metal pipe.
LI Junyuan, CHEN Hongjun, ZHANG Xiaohua, LI Shengfeng
. Localization technique research of a pipeline
robot based on the magnetic-dipole model[J]. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2008
, 3(1)
: 55
DOI: 10.1007/s11460-008-0002-x
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