Wireless sensing experiments for structural vibration monitoring of offshore platform

  • School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Tecnology

Published date: 05 Sep 2008


In order to validate the feasibility of applying wireless sensing technique to structural monitoring of offshore platform, the experiment of wireless sensor network on offshore platform is presented in this paper. First, wireless sensor network and its topology structure is put forward, and the design of sensor nodes, base station, communication protocol is discussed according to self-developed wireless sensor network. Second, true offshore platform and its experimental model are introduced. Finally, wireless sensing experiment for offshore platform structure is completed and the analysis of the experimental result is given. The research shows that wireless sensor network applied to offshore platform can reflect the vibration of the structure; the sensor nodes are fixed and removed expediently, which saves the cost of signal line as well as installation time.

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YU Yan, OU Jinping . Wireless sensing experiments for structural vibration monitoring of offshore platform[J]. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2008 , 3(3) : 333 -337 . DOI: 10.1007/s11460-008-0051-1


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