Modeling and optimization of induction cooking by the use of magneto-thermal finite element analysis and genetic algorithms

  • Abdelkader KANSSAB , 1 ,
  • Abdelhalim ZAOUI 2 ,
  • Mouloud FELIACHI 3
  • 1. Département d’Électrotechnique, University of Hassiba Benbouali, Chlef 02000, Algeria
  • 2. Military Polytechnic School, BP17 B.E.Bahri, Algiers, Algeria
  • 3. PRES-L’UNAM, IREENA, Bd de l'Université, BP 406, 44602 St-Nazaire cedex, France

Received date: 16 Dec 2010

Accepted date: 19 Jan 2012

Published date: 05 Sep 2012


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


Induction cooking has several advantages compared to traditional heating system; however, to obtain best efficiency, it is essential to have an inductor giving homogeneous temperature on the pan bottom. For this aim, we propose a structure of inductor with four throats containing coils and optimize their distribution. In this paper, first we model magneto-thermal phenomenon of the system by a finite element method (FEM) for the mean to determine the distribution of temperature on the pan bottom by taking the nonlinearity of system. This study shows that a temperature distribution is not homogeneous. Second, with the aim to have homogeneous temperature distribution on the pan bottom, the optimal determination of throats distribution and their dimensions is obtained by genetic algorithms (GAs). The optimized structure permits to satisfy our aim.

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Abdelkader KANSSAB , Abdelhalim ZAOUI , Mouloud FELIACHI . Modeling and optimization of induction cooking by the use of magneto-thermal finite element analysis and genetic algorithms[J]. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2012 , 7(3) : 312 -317 . DOI: 10.1007/s11460-012-0196-9

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