An image reconstruction algorithm of EIT based on pulmonary prior information

  • Huaxiang WANG ,
  • Li HU ,
  • Jing WANG ,
  • Lu LI
  • School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

Published date: 05 Jun 2009


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


Using a CT scan of the pulmonary tissue, a human pulmonary model is established combined with the structure property of the human lung tissue using the software COMSOL. Combined with the conductivity contribution information of the human tissue and organ, an image reconstruction method of electrical impedance tomography based on pulmonary prior information is proposed using the conjugate gradient method. Simulation results show that the uniformity index of sensitivity distribution of the pulmonary model is 15.568, which is significantly reduced compared with 34.218 based on the round field. The proposed algorithm improves the uniformity of the sensing field, the image resolution of the conductivity distribution of pulmonary tissue and the quality of the reconstruction image based on pulmonary prior information.

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Huaxiang WANG , Li HU , Jing WANG , Lu LI . An image reconstruction algorithm of EIT based on pulmonary prior information[J]. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2009 , 4(2) : 121 -126 . DOI: 10.1007/s11460-009-0020-3


This work was supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program (Great No. 2006BAIO3A00), the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commission (No. 08JCYBJC03500).
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