Efficient and configurable transmission protocol based on UDP in grid computing
Published date: 05 Mar 2009
At present, mainstream data transfer protocols are not always a good match for the diverse demands of grid computing. Considering this situation, this article proposes an efficient and configurable data transfer protocol (ECUDP) for grid computing. The ECUDP is based on the standard user datagram protocol (UDP), but with a collection of optimizations that meet the challenge of providing configurability and reliability while maintaining performance that meets the communication requirements of demanding applications. Experimental results show that the ECUDP performs efficiently in various grid computing scenarios and the performance analysis model can provide a good estimation of its performance.
Jigang WANG , Guochang GU , Chunguang MA , Weidong ZHONG . Efficient and configurable transmission protocol based on UDP in grid computing[J]. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 0 , 4(1) : 35 -42 . DOI: 10.1007/s11460-009-0005-2
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