Line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors versus induction motors: A comparative study
Majid Ghasemi KAHRISANGI, Arash Hassanpour ISFAHANI, Sadegh VAEZ-ZADEH, Mohammad Rajabi SEBDANI
Front. Electr. Electron. Eng. ›› 2012, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4) : 459-466.
Line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors versus induction motors: A comparative study
Line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors are suitable candidates for substitution of induction motors in many constant-speed applications. This paper compares steady-state and dynamic performances of these motors. The efficiency, power factor, stator currents, and rotor bars currents are considered for steady-state performance analysis whereas the rotor speed, electromagnetic torque, and stator and rotor currents are investigated for dynamic performance analysis. For this purpose, time stepping finite element method is used to analyze the performance of motors in both full-load and no-load conditions. Results demonstrate the superior performance of the line-start permanent magnet synchronous motor in steady-state condition and the improved dynamic performance of the induction motor. Finally, economic calculations indicate that the extra cost of the line-start permanent magnet synchronous motor with respect to the induction motor is rapidly compensated by energy saving due to a more efficient operation.
line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors / induction motor / steady-state / dynamic / comparison / finite element method
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