Performance analysis of proxy mobile IPv6 based on IEEE802.16e
Liyuan XIAO, Jiawei YANG
Performance analysis of proxy mobile IPv6 based on IEEE802.16e
Proxy mobile Internet protocol version 6 (PMIPv6) is a network-based mobility management protocol proposed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which allows nodes to remain service connectivity while moving around in the IPv6 Internet. PMIPv6 is different from the host-based mobility management protocols (mobile Internet protocol version (MIPv6), hierarchical mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6), fast handover for mobile IPv6 (FMIPv6), and fast handover in hierarchical mobile IPv6 (F-HMIPv6)), whose signaling are transferred among some network entities except mobile node (MN). This paper focuses on the analytical modeling of performance analysis for PMIPv6 and other protocols using IEEE802.16-based wireless metropolitan area networks as the wireless access network. The performances of these protocols are evaluated by some metrics like handover latency, service disruption time, and binding update cost. Numerical results show that PMIPv6 has better performance.
PMIPv6 / mobility management protocols / IEEE802.16e / analytical modeling / performance analysis
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