Simplified parasitic capacitance extraction of shield in HVDC converter system with boundary element method
Shili LIU, Zezhong WANG, Jing SUN
Simplified parasitic capacitance extraction of shield in HVDC converter system with boundary element method
It is critical to build a wide-band circuit model to conduct research on the characteristics of the electromagnetic disturbance source during the localization of high voltage direct current (HVDC) technology. Parasitic capacitance is most essential for modeling the equivalent circuit, so a fast and accurate computation of capacitance parameters plays a vital role. Because of the large size and complex structure of the converter equipment, it is impossible to obtain capacitance parameters by means of measurement or simulating calculation with finite element software. In this paper, a simplified method of capacitance extraction based on boundary element method is proposed, which can provide an efficient means of establishing simulation models. In the method presented, simulation model of the shield may not be chamfered. Consequently, the edge and corner of the shield do not need to be handled with a sphere, cylinder and other curved surface model. The availability of this method is demonstrated by comparing the capacitance parameters of chamfered shield with that of non-chamfered shield.
parasitic capacitance / shield / chamfer / boundary element method (BEM) / simplified model / extraction
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