Security research with Square attack to a variant Camellia cipher

Xiangyang XU, Guangsheng ZHANG

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Front. Electr. Electron. Eng. ›› 2010, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4) : 482-487. DOI: 10.1007/s11460-010-0095-x

Security research with Square attack to a variant Camellia cipher

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This paper investigates the relation between the choice of S-boxes and Square attack. A variant Camellia, which uses only a single S-box instead of four, is proposed. The security of the variant Camellia against Square attack is studied in detail. Result shows that it needs only 28 chosen plaintexts to recover a byte of the 6th round-key of variant Camellias, while the original Camellia needs either 28 chosen plaintexts to recover a byte of the 6th round-key and a byte of some constant or 216 chosen plaintexts to recover a byte of the 6th round-key. Furthermore, Square attacks on other round-reduced variant Camellia are proposed, and the time complexity of 11-round attack is reduced from 2250 to 2225.5. The weaker variant Camellia indicates that the choice of S-box and the order of different S-boxes have influence on Square attack.


block cipher / Camellia / Square attack

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Xiangyang XU, Guangsheng ZHANG. Security research with Square attack to a variant Camellia cipher. Front Elect Electr Eng Chin, 2010, 5(4): 482‒487


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This work was supported by the Planned Science and Technology Project of Hunan Province of China (Grant No. 2010GK3063 ) and A Project Supported by Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department.


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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