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Resource allocation algorithm for multi-user
MIMO-OFDM downlink with correlated channels
- ZHANG Chengwen, ZHANG Zhongzhao, MENG Weixiao
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Communication Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology
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Published |
05 Sep 2008 |
Issue Date |
05 Sep 2008 |
To minimize transmitting power, an adaptive resource allocation algorithm is proposed for multi-user multiple input multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) downlink with correlated channels, which, based on the user’s grouping according to their spatial correlations, combines the shared manner and the exclusive manner to allocate sub-carriers. Between different groups the shared manner with a null steering method based on group marginal users is applied, whereas within a group the exclusive manner is applied. The simulations show that the power efficiency and spectral efficiency are improved; the base station transmitting antenna number and the computational complexity is decreased.
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