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Diversity analysis of space-time-frequency coded
broadband MIMO-OFDM system with correlation across space time and
- MA Qinghua, YANG Luxi, HE Zhenya
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School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University
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Published |
05 Sep 2008 |
Issue Date |
05 Sep 2008 |
For the frequency selective and time variant multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel model taking into account transmitting and receiving antenna correlation, the diversity of space-time-frequency coded broadband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system is analyzed. Based on the average pairwise error probability (PEP), the design criterion of space-time-frequency code (STFC) is expanded. For a given STFC, it is found that the achievable diversity order is related to the transmitter and the receiver correlation matrix as well as the time correlation and frequency correlation matrix. The maximum available diversity of STFC over the correlation channel is Lrank(P)rank(Q)rank(RT). The space-time code and space-frequency code are special cases in our approach. Simulation results validate the findings.
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