Replica location mechanism in data grid based
on ED-Chord
SONG Jiaxing, LIN Chuang, LIU Weidong, CHEN Shaoyu
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Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University;
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05 Jun 2008
Issue Date
05 Jun 2008
A peer-to-peer hierarchical replica location mechanism (PRLM) was designed for data grids to provide better load balancing capability and scalability. Global replica indexes of the PRLM are organized based on even distributed Chord (ED-Chord) structure. The locality can optimize queries on local replica indexes of virtual organizations. ED-Chord protocol collects the node identifiers information using a distributed method and assigns optimal identifiers for new nodes to make them more uniformly distributed in the entire identifier space. Theoretical analysis and simulations show that PRLM provides good performance, scalability and load balancing capability for replica location in data grids.
SONG Jiaxing, LIN Chuang, LIU Weidong, CHEN Shaoyu.
Replica location mechanism in data grid based
on ED-Chord. Front. Electr. Electron. Eng., 2008, 3(2): 171‒175
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